Joyflow Space Professional Organizer Madoka

 Hi, I’m Madoka! I’m on a mission to help you feel more like yourself in your own home, so that you can be a better mom and person.

Joyflow Space Professional Organizer Madoka Journey

How My Journey Began…

Ever since I became a mom, I felt like I had lost a part of me. I was always overwhelmed with parenting demands and stressed by the mess in my home. I didn’t feel like myself anymore. I often felt worthless.

Believe it or not, I was not an organized person! As someone who is highly sensitive to the surrounding environment, I deeply felt the impact of physical and visual clutter negatively. I quickly realized I had to start clearing out the clutter to give myself a reset.

Joyflow Space Professional Organizer Madoka Before

So, I started clearing and simplifying my home.

The process brought me peace and confidence, and I started feeling lighter. Then I was able to focus on what was truly important to me and start letting go of everything else.

Once my home became almost clutter-free, I started applying what I knew best, designing, by adding a few things to make my home feel warm and cozy and rearranging furniture for a better visual flow to create a home I want to spend time in. Slowly I started feeling like myself again.

Joyflow Space Professional Organizer Madoka Japan

More about Me

I was born and raised in a small town in Japan and spent most of my adult life in the US and Canada. I live in Toronto, Ontario, with my husband and two little kids. 

With a degree in visual communication, I started my career as a professional graphic and user interface designer, designing products for technology companies. I’ve always loved creating simple, functional and beautiful designs. I believe the same principles can be applied to a living space. 

Joyflow Space Professional Organizer KonMari Consultant

I help you clear, organize, and design

so that you can enjoy your home & feel more like yourself in your own home.

I am a professional organizer, certified KomMari consultant, and interior stylist. I'm currently undertaking a certification program in interior design on a pathway to become a credited interior design consultant.

In my spare time, I enjoy practicing yoga, reading self-help books, taking a nap, watching Japanese comedians on YouTube, and taking short walks to the Lake. I love good coffee, strawberry shortcake, and smoked salmon!

Ready to begin?

Let’s create a calm and beautiful space that brings you joy, together!