5 Quick Actions to Reset Your Home in 30min or Less

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the state of your home? Stressed out by the amount of things that need to be done around your house?

It can be hard to find the motivation and energy to get started. Let’s look at five quick actions you can take to reset your home in 30 minutes or less. These small changes can have a big impact on how you feel and help you get back on track!

What is a Home Reset?

Home reset is a great way to get your home back to baseline clean and tidy. It can help you create a positive space in your home that will help you feel more relaxed and comfortable. This process involves decluttering, organizing, and cleaning commonly used areas of your house in order to make it look neat and inviting. With a few simple steps, you can instantly reset your home and create an environment that will make you feel more content.

Take a Deep Breath

First and foremost, take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing for a few moments. Don't judge yourself for the state of your home, and don't let it define who you are.

A messy home is NOT a reflection of your worth as a person. It’s simply a reminder that we all need to take care of our spaces from time to time!

Instead, focus on the things that make you happy and show gratitude for what you have. With these tips in mind, let's get started on resetting your home!

Here are five quick actions that you can take to reset your home and create a positive space instantly.

1. Open Your Windows

With just one simple action - opening your windows - you can bring fresh air and new energy into your home in no time. Opening your windows and bringing in some fresh air can be just the thing you need to revitalize your space. It's an instant home reset!

Not only will it help with air circulation, but it will also bring in some much-needed natural light. Plus, it can help boost your mood and productivity levels. So why not take a few minutes to open up those windows and give yourself an instant home reset?

2. Make Your Bed

Making your bed is one of the quickest and easiest actions you can take to reset your home. It's a simple action that can make a big difference in how you feel about your space.

Not only does it make your bedroom look neat and tidy, but it also helps you to start the day on a positive note. Making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment and help to set the tone for the rest of the day.

3. Pick Up Obvious Trash

One of the quickest ways to instantly reset your home is to pick up all the obvious visible trash. Whether it's cans, food wrappers, or just general clutter, picking up the trash will instantly make your home look much cleaner and more organized. This simple task can instantly reset your home and give you a clean slate to work with. So grab a garbage bag and start tidying up!

4. Clear Off Flat Surfaces

Clearing off flat surfaces like the countertop, coffee table, and dining table. Just move dishes to the sink, laundry to the laundry room, and any other items that don’t belong in the room. Wipe off countertops with a damp cloth or all-purpose cleaner for extra sparkle.

This isn't deep cleaning! Just removing visible trash and clutter will help make the space look and feel a lot better. You can also take this opportunity to throw away any items that you don't need or use anymore.

5. Focus on Items that Make You Happy

Remember to focus on items that make you happy - whether it's a piece of artwork, a cozy blanket, photos, plants, or anything else - and display or decorate them around your home.

You can also clear around those items so they become the focal point of the room and create an inviting atmosphere. Decorating with items that bring joy can instantly reset the atmosphere of your home and provide you with a sense of calm and peace in your home.

Resetting your home can be a great way to create a positive space. It doesn't have to be an all-day project - you can start small and make progress over time. Just a few simple steps can help you instantly reset your home and create an atmosphere of positivity. With these five simple steps, you can quickly reset your home for an instant mood lift!


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