How to Organize Your Kid’s Closet to Make Your Life Easier

When you’re living with the demands of a busy family, organizing your kid’s closet is probably not the first thing on your to-do list. However, an organized closet can make your life easier. With these simple tips, you can create an organized and easy-to-use closet that will help you and your kid get your day started off right.

1. Start Small When You Declutter

The best way to declutter clothes is to take everything out of the closet and go through each item to decide whether or not it needs to stay in the closet or be donated. However, if you’re a busy mom and can’t find the time to do a full decluttering, start with one section at a time and work your way up from there. It's important to break down the process into manageable steps so you won’t get too overwhelmed and give up. When you start small, the task will feel less overwhelming, and you will be more inclined to keep going until you finish decluttering and organizing.

2. Get Your Child Involved in the Process

Getting your child involved is important by asking what they want to keep or give away. If your child is old enough, let them decide. It will make them feel like they are in control of their own space and clothes and help them be more confident about making their own decisions. It’s also a good idea to let your child have a say in deciding where things will go.

3. Always Organize Clothes By Type

Organize your child's closet by type of clothing, such as shirts, pants, dresses and so on. This is the easiest way to organize their clothes and make it easier for them to find what they need. For example, all shirts are together, and all pants are together. You will be able to see at a glance whether or not you have enough of any particular item, which helps save money and time in the long run.

4. Keep Things Easy to Find

Take a look and identify which area of the closet space is the most accessible for your child to reach. Keep their favourite outfits or frequently used clothes in front of them in the most accessible area so that they are easy to find. In my case, off-season clothes are tucked in the back of drawers, so frequently used clothes are always visible.

5. Plan for the Future

Kids grow fast! Store larger-size clothes along with currently used clothes, so you are reminded of them as your child grows. Place a bin nearby to collect clothes for donation as your child outgrows them. Organizing is not just about finding a place for everything, it’s also about creating space for the future. Leave empty space so your child can welcome new clothes into their life as they grow.



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