The Easiest Way to Fold a Chunky Sweater and Keep it Neat

Do you find it difficult to fold bulky sweaters? Is it taking up quite a bit of space in your drawer? Not sure where to store them? Here are my tips on the best way to fold a bulky sweater without wrinkles and without taking up too much space. Do you have a sweater lying around somewhere in your house? Grab your favourite chunky sweater and get started!

4 Easy Steps: Folding a Chunky Sweater

1. Lay flat on a bed or floor with arms pointing outwards

2. Fold one arm of the sweater, then fold the other arm inwards.

3. Fold one side in half and then fold the other side so that the two sides meet.

4. The fourth and final step is to take the top of the sweater and fold it over in half.

What’s the Best Way to Store Sweaters?

Never hang your chunky sweaters. They will stretch out and lose their shape. You could store folded sweaters in a drawer, but bulky ones will take up too much space.

The best way to store bulky sweaters is by folding them and putting them on the shelf of your closet. Folding sweaters will ensure that the fabric won’t be stretched and will also help them last longer.

Sweaters Organizing Bin

Is Your Shelf Too High for You to Reach?

Try an organizing container or bin to store your folded sweaters so you can reach them easily. Organizing containers are a great way to keep your clothes contained and keep your closet neat and tidy.

Sweaters Organizing Bin Closet

Here is the DIMJ Trapezoid Closet Baskets from Amazon that I use. It fits perfectly on the top shelf of my closet!


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